Recommended links
“It’s Not About the Sex” My Ass—Hilarious yet disturbing memoir of ex-Mormon, ex-polygamist, ex-wife Joanne Hanks. (Steve Cuno is the as-told-to author. Joanne Hanks also happens to be an accomplished artist. Check our her work here.)
Marketing Resources
Loyality Check—reality check for loyalty programs
Hanifin Loyalty—loyalty marketing expert Bill Hanifin
Loyalty Truth—Bill Hanifin's blog
Agency Fusion—bring your own copy and layouts, but for heaven's sake let these folks do the uploading
Jeff Bacon Visual Art—Jeff Bacon is a rare designer skilled in direct response as well as fine art
Evidence-Based Thinking Resources
James Randi Educational Foundation—educational resource on extraordinary claims
Skeptics Society—promoting science and critical thinking
Skeptics Guide to the Universe—entertaining and informative podcast of the New England Skeptical Society
The SkepDoc—science-based answers to medical questions