blog, plus an original Loxton of me with friend
Confessions of a Skeptical Marketer
At the more serious end of the continuum are people like ... (click here to continue reading on Insight blog)
Double honor: Invitation to contribute to Skeptic’s Insight blog, plus an original Loxton of me with friend Confessions of a Skeptical MarketerEvery job has its moral dilemmas. There’s the bus driver who must drop passengers in questionable neighborhoods. The theater cashier who isn’t allowed to say, “You really want to see that stinker?” The fast food server who must suppress an urge to chastise a customer who has no better taste than to order a hotdog with ketchup.
At the more serious end of the continuum are people like ... (click here to continue reading on Insight blog)
“Mud Pie Girls Pink Cowboy Hat,” $14.95 on Of marketing, girls, and pink products
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September 2023