- Addressing them as “Valued Customer” when you have their name in front of you
- Failing to read what they wrote
- Responding with form letters demonstrating that you haven’t read what they wrote
- Lapsing into silence when your form letters make things worse
Click “Read More” (below at right) if you’d like to slog through our correspondence.
in Customer Relations
I tried. Really I did. I gave it 2½ months. I’ve cooked burgers, hotdogs, sausage, and pork chops. But I just don’t like my Griddler Grill & Panini Press GR11.
I expected to love it, because I love my other Cuisinart products … the blender/food processor, the coffee grinder, and the egg cooker.
I have two specific complaints.
First, grease drips out of the back. The trough underneath doesn’t begin to trap it. Grease drips like mad if you turn the little legs in front to tilt it. I tried leaving it level, but that doen’t help. When I lift the top, grease drips from it to the counter. Call me slow, but I haven’t figured out how to place meat on it or remove it with opening the top.
(On a positive note, I like that the grills are removable and dishwasher safe.)
Second, it burns too hot. By the time a burger, hotdog or chop is cooked through, it’s burned on the outside. Sorry, but I had a better experience with your competitor’s product. It died after 15 years of faithful service, which is why I gave yours a try.
I attach photos of my receipts, the GR11, and my counter after a pair of burgers. Anything you can do for me?
Steve Cuno
From them: Valued Customer, Thank you for your inquiry. We are sorry to hear about the issue you are having with the unit. In order to properly assist you, we are in need of the 5 digit serial number from the bottom of the unit. We will also need to know whether or not this unit has been replaced previously. Please reply, with history, to this email, along with the color of the unit, and your complete shipping address. We invite you to call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-726-0190. Please keep in mind the Customer Service Agent will not have access to your e-mail information. The hours of operation are 7 AM -11 PM EST Monday through Friday and 9 AM - 5:30 PM on Saturdays and Sundays, excluding major holidays. Sincerely, [Name withheld] Cuisinart Customer Service Representative |
The serial number is 41030. Its color is silver, with black plastic trim. The unit has never been replaced. I purchased it new from Spoons ’N Spice in Sandy, Utah, on the date shown on the receipt in my prior email. Thanks for looking into this.
Steve Cuno
From them: Valued Customer, Thank you for your inquiry. Based on the information you have provided, your (GR-11/41030) is within the limited warranty period and can be set up for replacement. However, our warranty does not include shipping and processing fees either way. Based on your specific product, your shipping and processing fees for us mailing out your new unit will be $10. We ask that you also cover the cost of shipping the defective unit to Cuisinart. We recommend that you use a traceable insured delivery service. If you are a California resident, a different procedure will be applied. Please reply with history to this email providing us your complete shipping information and contact phone number in the event UPS needs to contact you. Once we have received your mailing information a Service Notification number will be created and an e-mail will be sent back to you with instruction on how to proceed on returning your defective unit. Please make sure to include whether the address the unit is being shipped to is a house, apartment, business, suite, or lot. We will need to know this as UPS will be requesting it for delivery. If you prefer, we welcome you to call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-726-0190 with this information. Please keep in mind the Customer Service Agent will not have access to your e-mail information. The hours of operation are 7 AM -11 PM EST Monday through Friday and 9 AM - 5:30 PM on Saturdays and Sundays, excluding major holidays. Sincerely, [Name withheld] Cuisinart Customer Service Representative |
Thanks for your note. Sorry for the confusion, but I don’t want a replacement. The unit is not defective as far as I can tell.
As a side note, I must point out that if the unit were defective and if I wanted a replacement, I would be displeased to have to shell out to ship it to Cuisinart plus fork over $10 to Cuisinart for shipping a replacement back to me. “Sorry the device is defective, our bad, so give us $10 plus spend another $10 on your own and we’ll take care of it.” Really, Cuisinart? I realize that you, [Name withheld], do not make policy, but I urge you to pass this message up the ladder on my behalf: That’s no way to treat a “valued” customer.
But since I don’t want a replacement, that’s moot. I want to be rid of the darned thing for good.
The problem is that I dislike the device with a passion. I dislike its design because it drips fat out the back and onto my counter. I dislike the temperature at which it cooks food, or, rather, at which it burns food. These appear not to be product defects, but design defects. So, would you advise that I just toss the darned thing in the trash, or is there anything Cuisinart might be willing to do for me?
Since each of the prior emails from Cuisinart opened with “Valued Customer” and not “Dear Steve,” I bet they’re form letters. I invested time in composing this and my prior emails. I would really appreciate it if someone would actually read them and, dare I suggest, actually respond to what I have written.
Kindest regards,
Steve Cuno
From them: Valued Customer, We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. Based on the information you have provided, there is a limited warranty on your unit. Under that type of warranty, we cover the replacement of the unit; however the shipping is paid by the customer. We apologize for any misunderstanding concerning the warranty. What we can do as a ***One Time Only Courtesy***, is we can waive the $10 fee. If this is agreeable, please reply, with all previous correspondences attached, to this email. We invite you to call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-726-0190. Please keep in mind the Customer Service Agent will not have access to your e-mail information. The hours of operation are 7 AM -11 PM EST Monday through Friday and 9 AM - 5:30 PM on Saturdays and Sundays, excluding major holidays. Sincerely, [Name withheld] Cuisinart Customer Service Representative |
Thanks for writing. I DO NOT WANT, NOR DID I EVER AT ANY TIME REQUEST, A REPLACEMENT. Sorry about resorting to all caps. I felt it needful because no one seems to have troubled to have read my emails before replying. Please have a look at them, and then let me know what you can do for me. Thank you.
Kindest regards,
Steve Cuno
Alas, I never heard back. That’s okay. I now have a new brand preference for products that don’t have the Cuisinart logo. |