Many of you asked me to let you know if my presentation at this year’s The Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM) will be streamed live, as it was last year. The answer is yes. In fact, all of TAM will be. You can watch your pick of speakers here, free. The keynote will be given by Richard Dawkins. Click here for a schedule of speakers and events.
TAM is sponsored by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). While debunking unprovable claims is a major part of the JREF’s work, so is the positive promotion of humanistic values and rational thought. TAM is the largest convention of its kind. Last year’s event drew about 1100 attendees from all over the world, plus another 700 online.
My presentation is scheduled for Sunday morning, July 11, 10:55-ish, give or take. (Remember that this is Pacific Time.) If you have nothing better to do and no more self-respect than to tune in for my 10 minutes (that’s all I get this year), I’d be honored. My presentation is Confessions of a Skeptical Advertising Man: How to “sell” critical thinking to friends and associates, a title I freely admit to having ripped off from Mr. Ogilvy.
—Steve Cuno