Want to help? Please share examples of:
• Common tricks you’re aware of that marketers and advertisers use, and how you know about them.
• Specific advertised claims that can be disproved.
• Specific advertised claims that cannot be or have not been proved.
• Specific advertised claims that can neither be proved nor disproved.
• Specific examples of advertised claims and how they have hurt people.
• Examples of advertising that is helpful.
• Marketers that are good citizens.
• Examples of marketers doing the honorable thing.
• Abuses you’ve endured from salespeople, whether in the store, at your door, over the phone, what-have-you.
You can add your thoughts here by clicking on COMMENTS above, or click here to send me an email.
What’s in it for you? Er, um, well, how about your name in the acknowledgments … and the inner satisfaction of knowing you’re helping expose nefarious practices?
Thanks in advance.
—Steve Cuno