Tim Allen is going to voice commercials for Chevy--oops, I mean Chevrolet. The connection is that Allen collects cars. Plus, he’s a celebrity. If a Chevrolet is good enough for Buzz Lightyear…
Speaking of cars, here’s not much of a surprise: Toyota is launching a new campaign touting [drum roll, please] how safe their cars are.
Of notes: Sources say that original jingles are once again in demand. Surely this tidbit is evidence-based and not in the least self-serving, despite the fact that “sources” in this case means Elizabeth Myers, who happens to be in the jingle-writing business.
Burgeoning industry: Selling products that don’t exist. In, for that matter, a world that doesn’t exist. From the New York Times: “Brands [are] selling virtual goods as part of online games in the hopes of selling real products in the brick-and-mortar world.” Indeed, retailers now sell gift cards loaded with naught but virtual world points. And—buyer beware—there are counterfeit virtual points on the market as well. I hope all of this is short-lived. I really don’t want my marketing career to require me to give a damn next time someone I barely knew in ninth grade needs eggs in Farmland.
—Steve Cuno