Terrific subject line
It is in my best interest to make myself readily findable online. That’s one way I meet new clients and get speaking engagements. But ready findability has its downside. Thousands of spammers hammer away at me daily. So do as many legitimate marketers who want to sell me things I may or may not want to take a look at.
In the face of such a daily deluge, I send most emails straight to the trash unopened. Doubtless you do the same. Which, in short, is why crafting a killer subject line is so darned important. It is the only thing between your marketing message and oblivion.
I received one today that stopped me. It said, “Riddle me this, Steve.” I didn’t recognize the sender’s name, I figured (correctly) that though it wasn’t spam it was selling something that ultimately I would not buy ... but I had to open it. And I surely thought about buying. On a better day, I might have taken the plunge.
Before you fire off that next commercial email, put some thought into that subject line. Then work at it some more.