This just in from the Associated Press: “Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe warned that the Postal Service is on ‘the brink of default’ as he battles to keep his agency solvent. Without legislation by Sept. 30, the agency ‘will default on a mandated $5.5 billion payment to the Treasury,’ Donahoe told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Tuesday.”
This should be interesting. Two weeks from today, I am addressing the Salt Lake Postal Customer Council.
I began working in marketing 34 years ago. About five years into my career, I discovered and began developing expertise in direct mail. To paraphrase Yogi Berra, its future isn’t what it used to be. Of course, not all of our eggs are in that basket. Our expertise is direct response; direct mail is a medium.
The USPS’s predicament is not easily blamed on — and, therefore, not easily solved by addressing — one or another factor. As with any complex issue, this one represents a convergence of factors. To name a few: technology, branding, politics, labor, environment, management, timing, inflation, serendipity, systems, competition ... and, not to be overlooked, human nature.
—Steve Cuno